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Worm Generic Host for Win32

Server jardiknas di kantorku sudah 1 minggu ini keluar option, error " Generic host for Win32 process.... send or don't send" jika ini sudah keluar, maka, untuk koneksi jaringan akan terganggu, malah tidak bisa konek. Apakah yg terjadi..??

Sebelumnya aq scan sama Antivir g kedetek trus pake PCMAV 1.9 g kedetek.. terakhir terpaksa panggil mbah gogel: ternyata banyak resep obatnya.. ternyata itu sebuah WORM.

Baik, ini resep obatnya:

Close Port 445:

1. Start Registry Editor (Regedit.exe) by clicking Start menu, and then click the Run icon.
2. In the small box that Opens, type: regedit then click the OK button. The Registry Editor will now have opened.
3. Locate the following key in the registry:
In the right-hand side of the window find an option called TransportBindName.
Double click that value, and then delete the default value, thus giving it a blank value.

Close Port 135:

1. Then you must now navigate to the following registry key:
2. You will see there is a String Value called: EnableDCOM
Set the value to: N (it should currently be Y)
3. Close the Registry Editor. Shutdown and Restart your computer.

Mudahan bisa bantu bagi temen yg senasib....


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